"The deepest secret is that life is not a process of discovery, but a process of creation. You are not discovering yourself, but creating yourself anew. Seek, therefore, not to find out Who You Are, seek to determine Who You Want to Be."
Neale Donald Walsch*
A new year and a refocus...excerpt from Becc's journal...
I am the writer, director and star of my own movie - or should be! I will begin with self responsibility - this is my body - a technology that science can only attempt to replicate. Yet it is in my power and up to me to honour this. I will be self directive and ask, 'how can I be the best version of myself? Am I doing the best I can"?
This is not about competition, comparison, guilt, regret, blame. This is about connection, ownership, honesty, love.
And where may this begin?
Know myself and be the expert about me. Be the star of my own movie. Build my connection to body and self. What can I master? Where do I need support? I shall build a tool kit and recruit my team to work with, collaborate - this is the supporting cast. The responsibility is on me, no one else. And I don't have all the answers. Thank you to my teachers to help me learn about my body and it's systems, health and nutrition, care and hygiene, strength and exercise, mindfulness, self growth and development, how to heal, spiritual connection, facing myself honestly. We make a good team.
It is up to me to write the script.
And its up to you to write yours.
So ask yourself:
What better time than now to create who you want to be? Start with honouring your body. Ask, "am I serving this technology the best that I can?"
Consider the law of cause and effect - what ever I put into this body, how I use this body - has benefits and consequences. So make good choices. Recruit your team - work with them and drop any expectations. They are selected as the supporting cast, not the lead role. Listen to your instincts, honestly (rather than only picking the pieces we would like to hear - we are all guilty of this!)
Create yourself anew - "Who are you? Is this who you want to be?"
A summer Be...Just Be Pilates timetable recommences Monday 10th January 2022. We shall return to a full timetable Monday 7th February 2022. Sessions held in studio (restrictions apply) and with Zoom live online. Book you session and session pass here
*Source: https://quotepark.com/quotes/743515-neale-donald-walsch-the-deepest-secret-is-that-life-is-not-a-process-o/